Aurora Lutheran Church
Welcome to worship!
Sundays at 9:00 AM
Electronic Charge Authorization Form
There is an electronic contribution option for your offering to the church. Reasons to give electronically: it’s automatic, so you don’t forget, electronic giving helps our church’s budgeting, it’s safe and convenient. Simply complete the form, attach a voided check, and turn it in to the church treasurer. On the 15th of each month, your offering will be automatically deducted from your account and recorded for your envelope number. Thank you for your support!
Student Scholarship Application
Four scholarships in the amount of $300 each are available.
The Betty Thompson, Aurora, and Joyce & Roger Rosecke scholarships are available to students attending an accredited college, vocational or trade school. The Arthur Lewison Scholarship is also available. For more information about these scholarships, click here.
Sunday School / Vacation Bible School