Aurora Lutheran Church
Welcome to worship!
Sundays at 9:00 AM
ELCA is a community of faith that shares a passion for making positive changes in the world. Our faith is built around a strong belief in God as made known to us in Jesus Christ. Through worship, service, and education, we practice our faith, grow our relationship with God and experience God’s grace in our lives. For more information: who we are/what we believe.
The Southeastern Minnesota Synod is a faith community of over 121,000 baptized people in 174 congregations and 2 Synodically Authorized Worshipping Communities as well as related institutions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Our current bishop is the Rev. Steven H. Delzer, who was elected in 2013.
The Southeastern Minnesota Synod is one of 65 synods which make up the ELCA. Its geographic area includes 15 counties in the southeastern corner of Minnesota.
Do any of these sound familiar?
“The Bible can really be tough to understand.”
“I don’t know enough about the Bible to talk about it. I don’t want to look dumb!”
“I don’t think the Bible is that relevant to my day-to-day life.”
Enter the Bible is for you! It was designed to help you to understand what you read and explore the stories, people and places in the Bible. And because it was written by Luther Seminary faculty you can trust what you read! Whether it’s for personal devotions, exploring the Bible or participating in a group study, you’ll dig deeper into the Word with summaries, outlines, background and videos.
Community Resources
Minnesota Prairie County Alliance
(Steele County Human Services)
630 Florence Avenue
P.O. Box 890
Owatonna MN 55060
Phone: 507-431-5600
Toll Free from Blooming Prairie – 507-242-4091 Toll Free from Ellendale – 507-416-4441
Meals of Hope
The mission of Meals of Hope is to provide a hot,
quality meal once a week for anyone who is at a
point in their life where food or fellowship is hard to come by.
Sundays, serving from 5:00 to 6:30
Trinity Lutheran Church
609 South Lincoln
Owatonna, MN
155 Oakdale Street
Owatonna, MN
(507) 455-2991
For anyone age 60 and over who is confined to their home or unable to prepare a balanced meal. Spouses are automatically included regardless of age. The service, facility and benefits of this program are for the use of all older people regardless of race, color, sex, religion, disability or national origin.
Blooming Prairie: 507-583-7571
Ellendale: 507-684-3311
Owatonna: 507-455-3195