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Leadership Opportunities for Members

Where might God be calling you to serve?

Board of Education       3 years


  1. Develop an effective teaching ministry, which included the training of teachers and leaders, and provide opportunity for study by every member of the congregations through its teaching agencies.

  2. Nominate candidates for Sunday School Superintendent to the church council.

  3. Report its activities to the annual meeting of the congregation and at such times as the congregation may decide.

  4. Provide leadership and supervision of the educational programs of the congregation.

  5. Attend the regular meeting of the church council the third Wednesday of the month.


Among your duties for your position, you are also to generally see that the words and deeds of this congregation reflect the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, in whose name we gather. You are to work together with other members to see that the worship and work of Christ are done in this congregation, and that God’s will is done in this community and in the whole word.


Deacon    3 years


  1. Consider matters relating to the worship of the congregation and make recommendations to the annual meeting.

  2. Initiate and implement witness and service in the community.

  3. Develop a program of evangelism.

  4. Help administer Holy Communion.

  5. Attend the regular meeting of the church council the third Wednesday of the month.

  6. Provide spiritual leadership in the congregation working with the pastor.

    Among your duties for your position, you are also to generally see that the words and deeds of this congregation reflect the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, in whose name we gather. You are to work together with other members to see that the worship and work of Christ are done in this congregation, and that God’s will is done in this community and in the whole word.

Financial Secretary   1 year


  • The financial secretary shall maintain records of all contributions and make regular reports to the church council and to the members of the church as required by the council.

Among your duties for your position, you are also to generally see that the words and deeds of this congregation reflect the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, in whose name we gather. You are to work together with other members to see that the worship and work of Christ are done in this congregation, and that God’s will is done in this community and in the whole word.

Nominating Committee   1 year


  • Meet once a year in November to discuss and call upon possible candidates for council and committee members for the following year.

Among your duties for your position, you are also to generally see that the words and deeds of this congregation reflect the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, in whose name we gather. You are to work together with other members to see that the worship and work of Christ are done in this congregation, and that God’s will is done in this community and in the whole word.

President   1 year

Duties include:

The president shall preside at the meetings of the church council and the congregation.

  1. The president of the congregation shall consult a member of a board who is absent from two consecutive regular meetings.

  2. Attend the regular meeting of the church council the third Wednesday of the month.

  3. Help set up the budget of the church.


Among your duties for your position, you are also to generally see that the words and deeds of this congregation reflect the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, in whose name we gather. You are to work together with other members to see that the worship and work of Christ are done in this congregation, and that God’s will is done in this community and in the whole word.

Secretary   1 year

Duties include:

  1. The secretary shall keep the minutes of the church council and of the congregation.

  2. The secretary shall have custody of the archives of the congregation.

  3. Attend the regular meeting of the church council the third Wednesday of the month.


Among your duties for your position, you are also to generally see that the words and deeds of this congregation reflect the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, in whose name we gather. You are to work together with other members to see that the worship and work of Christ are done in this congregation, and that God’s will is done in this community and in the whole word.

Treasurer   1 year

Duties include:

  1. The treasurer shall have custody of all funds of the congregation. They shall receive and disburse such funds in accordance with the decisions of the congregation or the board of trustees.

  2. Attend the regular meeting of the church council the third Wednesday of the month.


    Among your duties for your position, you are also to generally see that the words and deeds of this congregation reflect the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, in whose name we gather. You are to work together with other members to see that the worship and work of Christ are done in this congregation, and that God’s will is done in this community and in the whole word.

Trustee   3 years

Duties include:

  1. Receive reports regularly from the treasurer to ascertain that expenditures are within the budget approved by the congregation. Any expenditures in excess of the total voted budget must be approved by the congregation.

  2. Prepare a budget for review by the church council, which shall make a recommendation for submission to the annual meeting of the congregation.

  3. Assure itself that the treasurer and others who have access to the funds of the congregation are adequately bonded.

  4. Appoint annually an audition committee of two, which shall audit the fiscal records of the congregation and report its findings to the annual meeting. Such audits shall include examination of existing insurance coverage.

  5. Be responsible for the building and premises of the congregation so that their use is normally limited to the function of the congregations. Should groups or individuals not associated with the congregation desire to use such property, application shall be made to the Board of Trustees for its approval.

  6. Report its activities to the annual meeting of the congregation and at such times as the congregation may decide.

  7. They are in charge of all legal and corporate affairs of the church.

  8. Supervise the maintenance of the properties of the congregation.

  9. Attend the regular meeting of the church council the third Wednesday of the month.


Among your duties for your position, you are also to generally see that the words and deeds of this congregation reflect the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, in whose name we gather. You are to work together with other members to see that the worship and work of Christ are done in this congregation, and that God’s will is done in this community and in the whole word.

Vice President   1 year

Duties include:

  1. The vice president shall preside at the meetings of the church council and the congregation in the absence of the president.

  2. Attend the regular meeting of the church council the third Wednesday of the month.

Among your duties for your position, you are also to generally see that the words and deeds of this congregation reflect the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, in whose name we gather. You are to work together with other members to see that the worship and work of Christ are done in this congregation, and that God’s will is done in this community and in the whole word.

Worship Committee   3 years


  1. Work with committee and pastor on the worship of the church

  2. Work with committee to recruit readers from the congregation for the lessons on Sunday Morning. 

  3. Work with committee and pastor to come up with a theme for Lenten and other church services.

  4. Work with committee to plan special worship services (such as polka, men's group, etc.) throughout the year.


Among your duties for your position, you are also to generally see that the words and deeds of this congregation reflect the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, in whose name we gather. You are to work together with other members to see that the worship and work of Christ are done in this congregation, and that God’s will is done in this community and in the whole word.

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